Individual Event
  • 10
  • 238
  • Smoky Mountain Collegiate League
  • May 28, 2025-Jul 23, 2025
  • baseball
  • tn

Smoky Mountain Collegiate League

knoxville, tn | May 28-July 23, 2025



Pitching VelocityNolan Letzgus 94mph (2017)
Pitching VelocityMatthew Johnston 91mph (2018)
Outfield VelocityNolan Letzgus 92mph (2017)
Outfield VelocityJordan Curry 90 mph (2016)
Infield VelocityBlake Hubble 88 mph (2019)
Infield VelocityJordan Holly 87 mph (2015)
60 Yard DashBen Gramble 6.46 (2017)
60 Yard DashWill Vermon 6.55 (2019)
Pop TimeReece Plemmons 1.88 (2018)
Pop TimeHeath Weaver 1.88 (2015)

Each participant will be evaluated by college coaches. Not only will they each receive a profile featuring their information from the event, but this information will also be emailed out to college coaches.

Social Media
In today’s fast-paced world, NET Elite is committed to supplying information to coaches as fast as possible, whether it be a game, showcase, or article. Follow us @netelitebaseball

College Commitments/MLB Draft
NET Elite started in 2014 and saw its first major league big leaguer make his debut this year, and we expect many more to come! In the 2019 MLB draft, NET Elite saw 6 players drafted that have played in our events. We have also had over 1,000 players, who participated in our events and showcases, sign college scholarships.



Grace Christian Academy – 5914 Beaver Ridge Rd knoxville, tn 37691


Pitchers – $495.00
Position Player – $825.00


All NET Elite events are STAY-TO-PLAY. In order to participate in the tournaments, all athletes are required to book their lodging through Athletx Travel. Athletx Travel has secured specially discounted rates with the top properties in the area. If you choose not to book your lodging through Athletx Travel, you will be required to pay an alternative lodging fee. Contact [email protected] for alternative lodging inquiries. If you are considered local to an event (within 75 miles) please let us know so we can verify and get you noted as compliant. If within 2 weeks of the event, Athletx Travel will not be an option and the alternative lodging fee will automatically applied unless the team or player is considered local.

View and Book Your Lodging